We help Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, & Founders build and protect their enterprise's value

We help small businesses & founders increase their cash flow and reduce their tax liability by addressing five main areas:

  • Health Care Benefits

  • Key employee retention & compensation

  • Risk & Uncertainty Mitigation

  • Succession & Exit Planning

  • Personal Wealth Creation & Preservation

Who this is for

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with an existing business that has a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, then there is a good change you might have some of these challenges:

  • You are not able to attract & retain top talent because employee benefits like health care & retirement compensation is incredibly costly

  • You have a traditional retirement plan in place, but certain key employees (as well as yourself) are limited in the amount you can contribute.

  • You have risks present in your business that you would like to protect against (tax audit, business interruption, product warranty), but due to the rising cost of insurance, don't think you can afford to implement a risk mitigation plan

  • You've tried other accountants, business consultants, and fractional CFO's and while they "do stuff", you can't lower your tax liability any further.

  • You are getting ready to sell your business, but are not sure what your options are to reduce your tax liability of your transaction.

How it works

We will conduct a thorough review of your circumstances, and where possible, work with you and your team (accountant, banker, estate attorney) to increase your cash flow & minimize your tax bill by addressing the following areas:

  • Health Care Benefits

  • Key employee retention

  • Risk & Uncertainty Mitigation

  • Succession & Exit Planning

  • Personal Tax Liability

How to learn more

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with an existing business that has a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, and you want some help to increase your cash flow, decrease your tax liability, and create a tax-efficient exit, then schedule a free discovery call with our team.

Schedule a call using the calendar below and we can get to know one another - your business, your situation, your goals and see if working with each other would be a good fit.

Disclaimer: Neither our company nor any of its employees are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Consult your own personal attorney legal or tax counsel for advice on specific legal and tax matters.

We help Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, & Founders build and protect their enterprise's value

We help small businesses & founders increase their cash flow and reduce their tax liability by addressing five main areas:

  • Health Care Benefits

  • Key employee retention & compensation

  • Risk & Uncertainty Mitigation

  • Succession & Exit Planning

  • Personal Wealth Creation & Preservation

Who this is for

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with an existing business that has a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, then there is a good change you might have some of these challenges:

  • You are not able to attract & retain top talent because employee benefits like health care & retirement compensation is incredibly costly

  • You have a traditional retirement plan in place, but certain key employees (as well as yourself) are limited in the amount you can contribute.

  • You have risks present in your business that you would like to protect against (tax audit, business interruption, product warranty), but due to the rising cost of insurance, don't think you can afford to implement a risk mitigation plan

  • You've tried other accountants, business consultants, and fractional CFO's and while they "do stuff", you can't lower your tax liability any further.

  • You are getting ready to sell your business, but are not sure what your options are to reduce your tax liability of your transaction.

Who this is for

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with an existing business that has a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, then there is a good change you might have some of these challenges:

  • Health Care Benefits

  • Key employee retention

  • Risk & Uncertainty Mitigation

  • Succession & Exit Planning

  • Personal Tax Liability

How to learn more

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur with an existing business that has a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, and you want some help to increase your cash flow, decrease your tax liability, and create a tax-efficient exit, then schedule a free discovery call with our team.

Schedule a call using the calendar below and we can get to know one another - your business, your situation, your goals and see if working with each other would be a good fit.

Disclaimer: Neither our company nor any of its employees are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Consult your own personal attorney legal or tax counsel for advice on specific legal and tax matters.